On January 19 2019 in Daporijo, AUSDSU successfully held and conducted a free and fair general election at Daporijo, Upper Subansiri Dist and the following candidates have been elected as central executive members of All Upper Subansiri District Students Union for Session 2019-2022.
All executive members of AUSDSU.
AUSDSU President
Miss. Yade Natam
AUSDSU General Secretary
Mr. Pordam Soki
Vice President (pro)
Mr. Tadap Haging
Vice President (adm)
Mr. Sejium Bolo
Asst General Secretary (pro)
Mr. Tayam Nalo
Asst General Secretary (adm)
Mr. Takesh Mosu
Mr. Tatu Kamda
Mr. Narbu Kodak
Finance Secretary
Mr. Tania Mara
Asst Finance Secretary
Mr. Bukar Maying
IPR Secretary
Mr. Rajiv Nalo
Asst IPR Secretary
Mr. Karak Liye
Education Secretary
Mr. Jomkam Kena
Asst Education Secretary
Mr. Giojen Regia
Art & Cultural Secretary
Mr. Lalu Nguki
Asst Art & cultural Secretary
Mr. Tassok Riamuk
Games and Sports Secretary
Mr. Tadu Duchok
Asst Games and Sports Secretary
Mr. Tania Doyom
Social Services Secretary
Mr. Najum Binssi Russing
Asst Social Service Secretary
Mr. Tagia Charu
Chief Editor
Mr. Tayum Dango
Mr. Tassar Marbum
Chief Auditor
Mr. Deje Rigia
Mr. Raju Kyamdo
Office Secretary
Mr. Paty Nalo
Asst. Office Secretary
Mr. Jemil Mara