ADI BA MEMBERS 2022-2025
ADI BA : NE KEBANG was established in 21st March 1949 and its present headquarters is in Pasighat 791102.
ADI BA : NE KEBANG Regd. Under the Society Act 1860, Vide No. SR/ITA/6062
Members of the ADI BA: NE KEBANG session 2022-2025
ADI BA: NE KEBANG Members’ List:
1) President: Shri Tadum Libang
2) General Secretary: Shri Okom Yosung
3) Secy HQ cum Spokesperson: Shri Jobomchang Mengu
4) Secy Publicity & Public Relation: Shri. Vijay Taram
5) Secy Resource Mbilization: Shri. Anand Chandra Perme
6) Vice-President (Admin): Shri. Tanon Tatak
7) Vice-President (Pro): Shri. Mibom Pertin
8) Secy Admin: Shri. John Jamoh
9) Secy Protocol: Shri. Bab Pinggam
10) Finance Secretary: Shri. Akeng Nijo
11) Secy Organization: Shri. Opek Taku
12) Chief Treasuror: Shri. Aken Jongkey
13) Education Secretary: Shri. Enuk Libang
14) Secy Co-ordination: Shri. Tayu Jerang
15) Art & Cultural Secretary: Shri. Birku Dai
16) Games and Sports Secy: Shri. Jote Mingki
17) Secy Environment & Tourism: Shri. Talut Siram
18) Social Services Secretary: Shri. Abuk Taki
19) Secy Health and Hygine: Shri. Kaying Nobeng
20) Chief Auditor: Shri. Maktil Apum
21) Auditor: Shri. Onyok Gao
22) Auditor: Shri. Bomma Tayeng
23) Chief Editor: Shri. Talu Dai
24) Editor (Eng): Shri. Olom Apang
25) Editor (Adi): Shri. Tanny Gao
26) Asstt. Secy. Org: Shri. Onya Padung
27) Asstt. Secy. Finance: Shri. Yanggo Tayeng
28) Asstt. Secy. Admin: Shri. Janu Tatin
29) Asstt. Secy. Art & Culture: Shri. Nongku Gao
30) Asstt. Secy Co-ordination: Shri. Natlong Lego
31) Asstt. Secy SS: Shri. Bang Megu
32) Asstt. Secy Public Relation: Shri. Oson Taying
33) Asstt. Secy Publicity: Shri. Omin Jerang
34) Asstt. Secy Education: Shri. Opak Yirang
35) Asstt. Games & Sports: Shri. Tabom Saroh
36) Asstt. Resource Mobilization: Shri. Tapir Tamut
37) Office Secy: Shri. Jhony Sitang